MTG Nights at Paulina Springs

5-8 pm, Booster Draft begins at 5pm

A note about Magic: The Gathering nights at PSB: While folks are encouraged to come in and play MTG any time during our regular business hours or to bring their own decks to MTG nights, our primary focus during MTG nights is a Booster Draft.

Here’s the gist: $15 gets you three booster packs worth of cards and access to as many lands as you need to build a minimum 40 card deck that you’ll use to play in a Swiss Tournament against the other players in the draft. Depending on turnout, first place will receive at least a $15 PSB gift card and there may be a second place prize. Click here for more info on how a booster draft works and some basic drafting strategy. If you’re new and this all sounds a little intimidating, fear not! This will be a casual and fun environment and we’ll walk you through everything. No need to bring anything other than $15!

Why a booster draft and not one of the other MTG Formats, you ask?
*It’s a more casual and welcoming format, which will help us grow the MTG community in Sisters.
*They are a great entry point for folks who are looking to get into MTG for the first time and build a collection.
*They keep things fresh & exciting because you’re building new decks every week.